Lets go backpacking!
Some of your best memories that will stick with you for life will come from travelling around the world, experiencing things you’d never expect or have the chance to in your hometown. Most people travel with their family in the nostalgic summer holidays, but the extra brave ones just backpack.
My friend that I went to college with backpacked around Europe for the entirety of September, and had the absolute time of her life. Of course backpacking around Europe isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea, but it was hers.

1-What are some things that you were surprised about while travelling and how did you overcome it?
What surprised Flora the most was “how often plans don’t always work how you’d planned” while backpacking, for example “issues with transport and accommodation”. They had to change routes when travelling between countries when trains were all booked up. Flora describes this moment as “stressful”, as I would feel, but she learned lessons from this mishap. “Embrace the disastrous moments and just go with the flow because it’s inevitable for things to go wrong” I think this is very inspirational coming from an 18 year old, she’s taking an unbothered, go with the flow approach which i think is very necessary to try when travelling.

2-what were some essentials that you didn’t this was necessary to bring while backpacking?
Flora listed: Tupperware containers, Cutlery, Portable chargers for long travel days and Food!
Flora’s friend who she travelled with also brought a sleeping bag which she said was very useful for the low temperature nights.

3-whats your biggest takeaway from this trip?
“Independent and easy going” is how Flora feels after her backpacking trip around Europe because of the situations that didn’t go so well, its made her more relaxed overall. Being away from home in many different new environments and having to look after yourself would make you much more mature.
These are highly valued life skills and this is a great way to gain them while having an amazing time. Have a think about the opportunity next summer.
By Leah Camilleri